Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
UN Convention on Rights of The Child: Why is Education Compulsory?
The Preamble of the UN Convention beautifully, almost poetically, outlines that the UN affirms "their faith in fundamental human rights and in the dignity and worth of the human person".. and that "everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth therein, without distinction of any kind...", which would include children. The Preamble goes on to affirm that "childhood is entitled to special care and assistance", that the family is the natural, rightful and fundamental place for children and that the child has the right to "grow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding". The Convention is then paced with 54 articles, broken into three parts, all declaring basic human rights for children.
Articles 12, 13, 14 and 15 protect a child's natural human rights to their own view points, freedom of expression, and freedom to "seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of the child's choice"; freedom of thought, conscience, religion and "peaceful assembly". The Articles protect parents who exercise their duties to assist children with these necessary aspects of learning and expressing. Article 27 protects children's rights to live in conditions that are "adequate for the child's physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development"; Article 31 recognizes and protects children's basic biological need and right to play, rest and engage in the arts; Articles 34-37 protect children from physical, psychological and sexual assaults of all types. Article 37 emphasizes that a child should not be "deprived of liberty".
This document sounds like the Utopian, deity-like validation that children everywhere, for centuries, have fantasized about behind their tears of frustration and rage. However, Louise pointed out to me the one little word that insidiously slithered its way into Article 28 of the UN Convention-- This word, in effect, virtually nullifies and makes trite Articles 12, 13, 14, 15, 27, 31 and 37 plus much of the Preamble relating to equality, liberty, freedom of thought, freedom to pursue knowledge, freedom to play: That word is compulsory-- meaning "mandatory", "enforced" or "coerced". The word is powerless by itself. However, when that single word is preceded or followed by the word education, this document of childhood equality and freedom suddenly has the power to imprison and hold hostage every child in the world under adult whim and authoritarianism.
Let's examine Article 28 a little closer: It begins, "States... recognize the right of the child to education... they shall, in particular: (a) Make primary education compulsory and available free to all... [Italics mine]." If we put aside and remove the word compulsory for a moment, the Article simply states that children have the "right" to an education and that States and nations must make it available to children free of charge. By removing the word compulsory, this Article would be in congruence with the Preamble and the rest of the Articles-- It would simply state that children have the right to partake of some type of instruction offered to the public, free of charge, and that they could not be denied access to this instruction. This would support, affirm, validate and enforce children's right to freedom by making something available to them, free of charge, if they so chose it. Article 28 would be a democratic decree supporting children's right to pursue knowledge, instruction, education, thought, idea and creative venture in any buffet-style medley that they choose. However, by inserting the word compulsory next to the word education, the medley rots into an ugly, dictatorial, one-size-fits-all force-feeding tube crammed down children's throats by adults who think they best know the passions and purpose of each unique individual child.
In other words, by inserting the word compulsory, children are not even given "the right" to refuse their "right" to education! Nor are children allowed the basic right of all human beings to explore, inquire, learn, grow, think, imagine, invent, wonder and pursue the means to satisfy their curiosities in a way that is right for them individually. Judging by the manner in which compulsory education has behaved towards children since the days of Prussian rule, compulsory means that instruction must be done by force, whether or not it goes against the nature of every neuron, cell, fiber, need and dream of most children... Compulsory in this context has proven that the only instruction that will be free of charge and made easily accessible to all will be an option so mediocre, so joyless, so mechanical, so Capitalistic, so developmentally inappropriate and so contrary to every instinct of childhood that the only way to keep children there and to make parents keep them there is to enforce it with the threat of the law.
That is one "right" that children would never wish to have if they could understand how much of their childhoods would be abducted and tainted by that "right". Is the "right" to be held hostage, confined, graded, compared, programmed, indoctrinated, surveilled, labeled, belittled, subordinated, disrespected and denied of basic bodily needs, play, family time, socialization and free time a "right"? That is a "right" that children must be wondering, "where's the punchline?", what dark satirical comedy sketch did that accidentally fall out of?
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is a critical declaration that has the potential to challenge world governments to recognize children as fully human citizens. It has the potential to insist that world governments ensure that children have the right to bodily, emotional, mental, cognitive, social and spiritual integrity and protection from abuse, harm and exploitation. However, in order for the water to be pure, the drop of arsenic must be removed; the UN Convention is just another patronizing token to children's lack of political power as long as the UN considers it to be a "right" for children NOT to have the right to refuse compulsory education.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Regarding the Phenomena of "Children Without a Conscience"
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Exhausted by the Mainstream Drowning Out Natural Instinct
I stopped this morning and asked myself why I, a passionate writer who wishes to make a living at promoting my book and writing other books, would be anything other than ecstatic about writing a blog about attachment parenting, unschooling, and natural family living. The answer came as inertia glared down on my shoulders and eye lids: I'm exhausted by the mainstream. I am exhausted by how mainstream ignorance consistently and relentlessly drowns out nature's pleas with the human race to live in harmony with how we were intended by nature to live. I am exhausted by the bitter and hostile defensiveness of those too wounded by industrialization to even consider that the very problems they complain about are a result of our culture itself and our brainwashed belief that our way of life is the only way imaginable.
Enlightenment can be excruciating, and a difficult process of life long self discovery, pondering, insight, understanding, guilt, remorse, grief, acceptance, application, re-evaluation, then further self-discovery. The knowledge to discover and the opportunities to refine, expand, re-examine and deepen our insights, is infinite. There are hundreds of thousands of enlightened people in our world. The number of industrialized people who are shedding the blinders and are living in harmony with nature are growing. I am energized, invigorated and overjoyed by bridging to, reading and dialoguing with such people. However, the mainstream mindset is so ubiquitous, that it can feel like my voice for natural family living principles is being drowned in a sea of ignorance- an ignorance that clings to-the-absolute-death to comfortable, yet poisonous ideals, no matter how much suffering those ideals cause humanity (especially children), animals, or our planet.
I have come to see that despite it seeming as if the mainstream acculturation is far too frenzied, out of control and schizophrenic to grind to a halt, knowledge entails social responsibility. I believe that it is well worth the efforts to continue to add my voice, my writing, my passion and spirited social action to the small encampments, lighthouses and oases of enlightenment. It is well worth it for you to do the same. All of the books, magazines, websites, links, reviews, conferences, groups, meetings and people living in harmony with attachment parenting and other aspects of natural living symphony into beacons of unity. These beacons of unity support the voices of one another and assist and educate other people who are starting to turn away from our culture's addictive, superficial and mechanical solutions for the emptiness, disconnection, rage, apathy, anxiety and physical distress industrialized people are suffering.
I'm glad authenticity won out over writing a blog entry just for the sake of it. I hope you'll join me in adding to that refreshing, beautiful symphony as a beacon of unity. Please check back here or visit me on Facebook or Twitter.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Toddlers Should Be Home with Mom, Not Left to Cry
This article:
...is dangerous. Well-meaning parents take the advice of "experts" such as the website that hosted this article seriously and suspend their own instincts. The toddler should be home with her mother, not dropped off. She is screaming because she is signaling to her mother that being separated from her mother is painful to her, is running counter to her basic attachment needs and is an alarming, emotionally dangerous situation. The authors do not know the damage they are doing by encouraging parents to just leave their child and let him or her cry. This insensitive behavior goes against the mammal attachment cycle and against every most basic mammal instinct!
Trust your children and do not turn them over to others to raise them!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Babies, like Kangaroo Joeys Need to be Worn Constantly
I posted this on my website on July 21, 2009:
This story tells us a great deal about the needs of mammals, including humans. Thankfully, the joey was rescued and that the zoo keeper is taking painstaking efforts to replicate the joey's basic attachment needs. The fact that the mother rejected the baby in captivity is testimony to how stressful unnatural environments are to animals, including humans, and how those environments drive parents of all species to act in ways that are not in their offspring's best interests. Scientisists spend a great deal of time studying and replicating animal nurturing, baby-wearing, nursing and other needs, without realizing that babies of our own species also need to be worn and held on the skin constantly for nine months, nursed for up to 4 and 1/2 years and raised in nurturing enviornments where children can learn in their own way. Scientists know that haphazard, random or mediocre caregiving doesn't work to raise baby animals. My hope is that our science fields realize the same about children of our own species.